We deliver and produce striking brand stories, commercials and image films – authentic, powerful, and personal. We believe in the power of great stories.



Ein Film für die Tonne

Support your local Müllbusiness! Nach diesem Motto haben wir unseren Damen und Herren in Orange einen Film auf den Leib geschrieben. Denn der EAD (Eigenbetrieb Abfallwirtschaft Darmstadt) kann mehr als nur Tonnen leer machen. Stichwort: Re-Use. Der EAD macht aus Müll Gold und das sollen auch die Darmstädter wissen. Wenn ihr also das nächste Mal ans Wegwerfen denkt, denkt an diesen Film.

No Traces

Volocopter - No Traces 

Volocopter is well on its way to revolutionizing our mobility and transforming our cities in the process: with an all-electric, pretty quiet air taxi. With zero operating emissions. Our image film "No traces" gets to the heart of this. The film was created in the virtual environment of Hyperbowl Studios and the 3D compositing was done by the ladies and gentlemen of Black Frame Films. Idea, concept and realization go to the account of VOLLBILD FILM.


Brand Story
Spürbar Stark

A social experiment

"Do you think you are strong?" - Seven personalities with different life stories and one common realization: they are all stronger than they originally thought. An exciting look into our insides. 

Brand Story
The new EQV - Step by Step

Step by step to a new mobility 

For Mercedes-Benz and Scholz & Volkmer we portrayed the German windsurfing champion Nico Prien. A plea for a new mobility and a more sustainable future - step by step with the new all-electric Mercedes-Benz EQV. 

Brand Story
#CreatingPerfectPlaces | Feldschlösschen


What makes a place special? #CreatingPerfectPlaces by Siemens takes us to unique places and to special people. Our first film for the global campaign was shot at Feldschlösschen brewery in Rheinfelden, Switzerland.  


  • Best of Business Award 2018: Silver Best of Business Award
  • International Economy Film Festival 2018: Prix Victoria in Gold 
  • The Communicator Awards 2018: Communicator Award of Excellence & Communicator Award of Distinction
  • Best of Content Marketing 2018: Best of Content Marketing Award & Jury Award „Best in Category“
  • Die PR Klappe 2018: Bronze Award
  • Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2018: Winner Corporate Videos & Winner Best Camera
  • Digital Communication Awards 2018: Winner Digital Communication Award
  • World Media Festival: Intermedia-globe silver Award
Brand Story
R+V Versicherung
Das Zelthaus

Quick help for people in need

A look behind the scenes of a pioneering project: a simple shelter for people in need. "Zelthaus" is one of many projects supported by R+V as part of its "Mission Miteinander" program. We portrayed the team of Zelthaus as part of the campaign.

Mastering Light

Schott - Imagefilm 

Licht ist faszinierend. Punkt. Aber wie aus Faszination, High-Tech und viel, viel Fingerspitzengefühl ein meisterhaftes Produkt von morgen wird, das erzählt unser Imagefilm für Schotts Business Unit Lighting, den wir gemeinsam mit Arndt Benedikt entwickelt haben. 

Ein Haus wie kein zweites

A house like no other

How can you convey the magic of a project that is still in the process of being developed? For our film on the Deutschlandhaus in Hamburg, this was our challenge. We joined emotional interview statements, visualizations, historical footage and footage of the construction site to bring this vision to life.

Brand Story
The First Flight

Volocopter - The First Flight - Brand Story 

Volocopter is building a flying cab and they want to be first in the market. To do that, they need to become like Boeing, Lufthansa and Uber - but in just one company. That's rad! We tell the story of the first flight of their latest prototype. Check it out!

Product Film
Riese & Müller
Riese & Müller - Product Innovations

Riese & Müller - Product Innovations

"Packster", "Roadster" and "Homage": We have staged the latest e-bikes from the premium manufacturer.

Royal Commission for Al-Ula
Al-Ula Place of Heritage for the World

Al-Ula Place of Heritage for the World

Very few people have heard of Al-Ula. The region in Saudi Arabia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and until recently was hardly accessible to the public. With the opening of the country, everyone will soon be able to explore this mystical place. This spot shows the beauty of this fascinating region.

Weihnachtsviral - Ugly Christmas Sweater

ALDI SÜD Ugly Christmas Sweater

Ugly Christmas Sweaters are as much a part of Christmas as Plumpudding, Santa and Christmas Crackers. For ALDI SÜD we have created the spot for the limited Christmas sweater together with Scholz & Volkmer. It was directed by Moritz Laube.

Brand Story
#CreatingPerfectPlaces | Museum Victoria

#CreatingPerfectPlaces – Museum Victoria

What makes a place special? #CreatingPerfectPlaces by Siemens takes us to unique places and to special people. As part of the global campaign we shot at Museum Victoria, MelbourneAuszeichnungen für #CreatingPerfectPlaces


Die PR Klappe 2018  Bronze Award, Category: Imagefilm

Best of Business Award 2018 Silver Best of Business Award, Category: Film

The Communicator Awards 2018 Communicator Award of Excellence: B2B, Art Direction and Series und Communicator Award of Distinction Category: Branding Online Video und Editing

Best of Content Marketing 2018 Award: Best of Content Marketing Award and Jury Award, Category: Best in Category Customer Film: Non-Fiction – Best Practice

Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2018 Winner in  Corporate Videos (Golden Dolphin) and Winner in der Category best Camera (Black Dolphin) 

Digital Communication Awards 2018 Awarded: Winner Digital Communication Award, Category: Storytelling

World Media Festival 2018 Awarded: Intermedia-Globe Silver Award, Category: Corporate Communication, Branded Storytelling

Deutscher Fußball-Bund
#Leidenschaft / Director's Cut


Passion is the driving force for the "Mannschaft". The players reveal their innermost thoughts.



Not every product from Germany turns into an export hit. vhf camfacture with its Z4 is one of the exceptions. We had great fun shooting this commercial together with agency Schitto Schmodde Werbung. No animals were harmed. 

asphaltgold X ATF

asphaltgold X ATF

asphaltgold and ATF teamed up to create Woody Sport Pants. We shot the lookbook.

Brand Story
#CreatingPerfectPlaces | Pine Grove Middle School


What makes a place special? #CreatingPerfectPlaces by Siemens takes us to unique places and to special people. As part of the global campaign we shot at Pine Grove Middle School in New York.


Die PR Klappe 2018  Bronze Award, Category: Imagefilm

Best of Business Award 2018 Silver Best of Business Award, Category: Film

The Communicator Awards 2018 Communicator Award of Excellence: B2B, Art Direction and Series und Communicator Award of Distinction Category: Branding Online Video und Editing

Best of Content Marketing 2018 Award: Best of Content Marketing Award and Jury Award, Category: Best in Category Customer Film: Non-Fiction – Best Practice

Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2018 Winner in  Corporate Videos (Golden Dolphin) and Winner in der Category best Camera (Black Dolphin) 

Digital Communication Awards 2018 Awarded: Winner Digital Communication Award, Category: Storytelling

World Media Festival 2018 Awarded: Intermedia-Globe Silver Award, Category: Corporate Communication, Branded Storytelling

Music Video
LUI HILL - I owe you

An ode to remembering

LUI HILL dedicated the song "I owe you" to his mother, who is suffering from dementia. A stroke of fate. But the artist meets the tragedy of life openly and optimistically with an ode to remembering. The video for the international release was created at his parents' house. A place full of memories of past moments. 

An emotional shooting day for everyone involved and a truly touching film.

Dr. Karsten Wolf

Presence Therapy 

Dr. Karsten Wolf AG has created the prototype for a new, modern psychotherapeutic work at Schloss Gracht. Proven psychotherapeutic standards and the highest medical quality standards meet the new field of presence therapy - this is new territory.

How can highly emotional and receptive patients with burnout be addressed effectively and appropriately? How can images, rhythm and pace be balanced harmoniously? These and many other questions went into the conception and implementation of this project.

The result is a film that creates a strong basis of trust, conveying quality and competence while paving the way for contact. 


  • We are listeners, translators, amplifiers. 
  • We connect your brand with your audience while being ablaze for truth and emotion. 

  • Good films are the product of an integrated process: Step by step from a single source, resourceful, and always with a bounce in our step. 

  • We think strategically and long-term, at any time, right from the start. 

  • That's why we go for a creative process with the production in mind, and a production that's creative in itself. 

  • We work with an international network of directors and DoPs.

Always up front: your goals.


We experience many great moments, we even caught some of them on camera. 

Check out our Galery


Gerard Schwarz
Geschäftsführer & Inhaber

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. 

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum

Alexandra Franzke
Executive Producer
Delphine Müller
Creative Producer
Martina Schwarz
Production Assistant & HR Manager
Daniel Sax
Freelance Creative
Johannes Köhler
Philipp Rossmann
We are hiring

Deine Kinder würdest du Amira und Alexa nennen, zum Geburtstag lädst du per Call-Sheet ein und du träumst in Cinemascope?

Dann sollten wir Freunde werden.

Wir suchen Mitstreiter, Wegbegleiter und Gefährten.

Erspare uns das Baukasten-Anschreiben, den Standard-Lebenslauf und die Floskeln. Zeige uns lieber was du schon gemacht hast und was du mal können willst!

Schick uns ein paar Zeilen, die Links zu Deiner Arbeit mit einer kurzen Beschreibung deiner Rolle und die drei Filme,

die du gerne selbst gemacht hättest an contact@vollbild.film.


Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen.


Deine Kinder würdest du Amira und Alexa nennen, zum Geburtstag lädst du per Call-Sheet ein und du träumst in Cinemascope?

Dann sollten wir Freunde werden.

Wir suchen Mitstreiter, Wegbegleiter und Gefährten.

Erspare uns das Baukasten-Anschreiben, den Standard-Lebenslauf und die Floskeln. Zeige uns lieber was du schon gemacht, wer du bist und was du mal können willst!

Schick uns ein paar Zeilen, die Links zu Deiner Arbeit mit einer kurzen Beschreibung deiner Rolle und die drei Filme, die du gerne selbst gemacht hättest an contact@vollbild.film


Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen.


Deine Kinder würdest du Amira und Alexa nennen, zum Geburtstag lädst du per Call-Sheet ein und du träumst in Cinemascope?

Dann sollten wir Freunde werden.

Wir suchen Mitstreiter, Wegbegleiter und Gefährten.

Erspare uns das Baukasten-Anschreiben, den Standard-Lebenslauf und die Floskeln. Zeige uns lieber was du schon gemacht hast und was du mal können willst!

Schick uns ein paar Zeilen, die Links zu Deiner Arbeit mit einer kurzen Beschreibung deiner Rolle und die drei Filme,

die du gerne selbst gemacht hättest an contact@vollbild.film.


Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen.


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